Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oliver Wolcott Technical High School presentation on "Wikis, Blogs, and more..."

On November 7th, I had the pleasure of delivering a presentation titled "Wikis, Blogs, and more: Technology trends in education" to a group of teachers and school leaders at the Oliver Wolcott Technical High School in Torrington, Connecticut. For anyone interested, I offer both an audio (podcasted using my cell phone) and video (saved as a movie file to YouTube) version of this presentation.

Here is the real-time podcast of the Oliver Wolcott Techical High School professional development session.

The following is Part I of the podcast:

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MP3 File

The following is Part II of the podcast:

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MP3 File

Use the start/pause button to sync this talk up with the slices. Thanks for listening and watching and please add your comments to the dialogue!

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